From Assessment to Upgrade: A Guide to Starting Your Home Energy Efficiency Journey

If you're looking to reduce your energy bills and make your home more comfortable, an energy assessment is an excellent place to start. An energy assessment will identify areas where your home is losing energy, as well as recommend upgrades to improve energy efficiency. Once you have your assessment report in hand, it's time to start planning your home upgrade. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of starting your home energy efficiency journey.

  1. Prioritize Your Upgrades

One of the first steps in starting your home upgrade is to prioritize the recommended upgrades. Your energy assessment report will provide a list of upgrades, but not all of them will be necessary or cost-effective. Look for upgrades that will have the most significant impact on your energy bills and comfort, such as air sealing, insulation, and upgrading heating and cooling systems.

  1. Set a Budget

Once you've identified the upgrades you want to make, it's time to set a budget. Consider the cost of the upgrades and the potential savings on your energy bills. You may also want to explore available rebates, loans, or financing options to help cover the cost of your upgrades. Setting a budget will help you stay on track and ensure you're making cost-effective upgrades.

  1. Find a Contractor

Finding a qualified contractor is an essential part of starting your home upgrade. Look for contractors who are experienced in energy-efficient upgrades and have a good reputation. You may also want to ask for references or look for online reviews to ensure the contractor has a good track record. Once you've found a contractor, be sure to get a written estimate and contract outlining the scope of work, timeline, and cost.

  1. Schedule the Work

Once you have a contractor and a budget, it's time to schedule the work. Discuss the timeline with your contractor and plan accordingly. Keep in mind that some upgrades may require several days or weeks to complete, so you may need to make alternative arrangements during the construction. It's essential to have a plan in place for the duration of the work to minimize disruptions.

  1. Monitor Your Energy Savings

After the work is completed, it's time to monitor your energy savings. Keep track of your energy bills and compare them to previous months to see the impact of the upgrades. You may also want to consider a follow-up energy assessment to measure the effectiveness of the upgrades.


Starting your home upgrade after an energy assessment can seem daunting, but with the right planning and preparation, it can be a straightforward process. Prioritize your upgrades, set a budget, find a qualified contractor, schedule the work, and monitor your energy savings. By following these steps, you can make your home more energy-efficient, comfortable, and cost-effective. Taking action to reduce your energy consumption is not only good for your wallet but also for the environment. Let's start our home energy efficiency journey today!